work\ out

work\ out
1. I
the plan worked out план оказался удачным; the sum (the crossword puzzle, the problem, etc.) won't (does not) work out задача и т.д. не выходит /не решается/
2. II
work out in some manner his plan worked out badly его план провалился, из его плана ничего не вышло; how would it work out? что из этого выйдет?; it is impossible to tell how the situation will work out нельзя сказать, во что это выльется /как разрешится данная ситуация/
3. III
1) work out smth. /smth. out/ work out a program(me) (a plan, a scheme of invasion, new methods, a system, a detailed arrangement, an idea, etc.) разрабатывать программу и т.д.; work out a solution to a problem найти решение вопроса; work out a just settlement справедливо урегулировать вопрос; work out a compromise выработать компромиссное решение; work out a formula вывести формулу; work out one's own destiny решить свою собственную судьбу
2) work out smth. work out a sum (a puzzle, a problem, etc.) решать задачу и т.А; work out smb.'s share of expenses подсчитать чью-л. делю расходов; work out a message разобрать записку; work out a ceded letter расшифровать зашифрованное письмо
4. XI
be worked out at some time the coal-mine was worked out long ago шахта давно истощилась; the subject was soon worked out as a topic of conversation как предмет для разговора эта тема скоро исчерпала себя
5. XVI
1) work out for smb. it will work out very well for me для меня это окончится очень хорошо; work out to smth. work out to our mutual advantage оказаться обоюдно выгодным
2) work out at smth. the cost (the travelling expenses, the fares, the average price, etc.) works out at f 6 (at a dollar, at a great sum, etc.) стоимость и т.д. исчисляется в шесть фунтов и т.д.
6. XXI1
work out smth. /smth. out/ for smb. let her work things out for herself пусть она сама во всем разберется
7. XXV
work out what... (how..., etc.) we must work out what we want to say нам надо обдумать, что [нам] сказать; I tried to work out what she meant я пытался понять, что она имеет в виду; they worked out how to escape они разработали план побега

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "work\ out" в других словарях:

  • work out — {v. phr.} 1. To find an answer to. * /John worked out his math problems all by himself./ * /Mary had trouble getting along with her roommate, but they worked it out./ Compare: FIGURE OUT. 2. To plan; develop. * /Mary worked out a beautiful design …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • work out — {v. phr.} 1. To find an answer to. * /John worked out his math problems all by himself./ * /Mary had trouble getting along with her roommate, but they worked it out./ Compare: FIGURE OUT. 2. To plan; develop. * /Mary worked out a beautiful design …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Work-out — auch: Workout 〈[wœ:kaʊt] n. 15〉 die körperliche Konstitution u. Leistungsfähigkeit verbessernde sportliche Übung [<engl. work out „trainieren“] * * * Work out, Work|out [ wə:k|a̮ut ], das od. der; s, s [engl. workout, zu: to work out =… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • work out — (something) to find a solution to something. The committee met today and worked out a statement that everyone liked. You can use a calculator to work out the problem, or you can work it out on paper …   New idioms dictionary

  • Work-out — auch: Work|out 〈[wœ:kaʊt] n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s; Sport〉 die körperliche Konstitution u. Leistungsfähigkeit verbessernde sportliche Übung [Etym.: <engl. work out »trainieren«] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • work out — [v] solve; satisfy accomplish, achieve, arrange, attain, be effective, bring off, clear, come out, come to terms*, complete, compromise, construct, contrive, develop, devise, elaborate, evolve, figure out, find out, finish, fix, form, formulate,… …   New thesaurus

  • work out — index calculate, compose, devise (invent), dispatch (dispose of), fix (settle), implement …   Law dictionary

  • Work-out — Work out, auch Work|out [ wə:kaut] das; s, s <aus gleichbed. engl. workout> Form des intensiven Fitnesstrainings …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • work out — ► work out 1) solve or be capable of being solved. 2) develop in a good or specified way. 3) plan in detail. 4) understand the character of. 5) engage in vigorous physical exercise. Main Entry: ↑work …   English terms dictionary

  • work out at — ► work out at be calculated at. Main Entry: ↑work …   English terms dictionary

  • work|out — «WURK OWT», noun. Informal. 1. a trial; test: »The mechanic gave the car a thorough workout after repairing it. SYNONYM(S): tryout. 2. exercise; practice: »a good workout running before breakfast …   Useful english dictionary

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